Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cafe World Domination Secrets - Why are Cafe World Neighbors so Important to You?

Do you ever wonder why getting Cafe World neighbors is so important? After all, your friends who play have probably already contacted you about becoming their neighbor in this Facebook game. But all you have to do is sign up for the game to become their neighbor, without actually playing. So what's this neighbor stuff all about?

Having neighbors isn't such a big deal early in the game, but if you're looking to achieve Cafe World domination, neighbors are very important. I'll share two of the reasons here.

You Can Visit Their Cafes

The number one reason to get lots of neighbors is so you can visit their cafes. Whenever you visit a neighbor's cafe, you get invited to try their daily special, and you get awarded 5 Cafe Points and 20 Cafe Coins. In other words, the game rewards you for visiting them. They don't even have to be actively playing. As long as their cafe exists, you can get the reward for visiting them. But you can only get this reward from a neighbor's cafe once per day. To get more rewards each day requires visiting more neighboring cafes. So the more neighbors you have, the more Cafe Points and Cafe Cash you can earn this way each day.

Neighbors Give You Gifts

Whenever you sign into the game, it prompts you to send a gift to your neighbors. Likewise, they get prompted to send you gifts. Gifts don't cost anything to send, but they do provide the recipient with something useful.

So the more active neighbors you have, the more likely you are to receive gifts. And because each neighbor can only send you one gift per day, the more active neighbors you have, the more gifts you are likely to receive. Assuming of course that you're a good neighbor and send them gifts too!

Clearly, having lots of neighbors will help you achieve Cafe World domination. Now all you need is advice on how to get lots of good neighbors quickly and easily.

Getting good Cafe World neighbors isn't hard once you know the secrets. To learn more about this and everything else you could need to know about Cafe World, simply click Cafe World Domination!

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cafe World Domination Secrets - The Best Ways to Get Cafe Coins and Cafe Cash

There are two kinds of money you need to achieve Cafe World Domination - Cafe Coins and Cafe Cash. Do you know how to get enough of each? When I first started playing this game, I was confused about the difference between Cafe Coins & Cafe Cash. That confusion hurt me at first, but thanks to Cafe World Domination, the excellent new game guide, I now understand the difference. Even more important, I know the best ways to get each kind of money. Would you like some tips on how to do this?


Cafe Coins are the kind of money you use every day. When you sell food, you earn coins. When you buy supplies, or decorations for your cafe, or most anything else, you spend coins. This means you need to earn and spend lots of coins.

Fortunately, coins are relatively easy to get. At first you'll probably find more stuff to buy than you have coins to spend. So early on, you'll need to be thrifty, and mostly spend coins on boring things like tables and stoves. These will help you earn more coins over time, but isn't too exciting while you're getting there. That said, if you manage your cafe well, you'll soon be pulling in more coins than you know what to do with.


Cafe Cash is a completely different thing. You earn cash very slowly, but can do pretty well without spending any cash early on. So you get the chance to accumulate cash.

Accumulating cash is very important, because later in the game, you'll find items or expansion packages that you really want, which you'll only be able to buy with cash. So how do you get more Cafe Cash?

Aside from the 1 unit of cash you get every time you go up one level, you can actually buy cash with real-world money. You're unlikely to need to buy coins this way, but many people supplement their supply of cash by clicking the Get Cafe Coins and Cash tab at the top of the screen and spending real money.

There's another way to earn cash. And it doesn't have to cost you any money. At the bottom of the Coins and Cash page, you'll find a bunch of surveys you can take. By completing these surveys, you'll earn cash which gets deposited in your game account within 24 hours or so.

Getting coins and cash doesn't have to be too hard once you know the secrets. To learn more about getting more Cafe Coins and Cafe Cash, as well as to learn dozens of other great game tips, check out Cafe World Domination!

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Cafe World Domination - Planning Cafe World Menus to Earn the Most ((tag: cafe world domination, cafe world menu, cafe world secrets

I love the fact that Cafe World offers so many menu options. Don't you? From the beginning of the game you have access to some tasty choices. And the closer you get to true Cafe World domination, the more options you unlock. By the time you reach higher levels, you have a bewildering array of options to choose from.

So how do you decide which foods to cook? Many people cook up their personal favorites and hope that the customers like them too. There's nothing wrong with this approach, at least in the early levels.

While that kind of strategy can work early in the game, as you get to higher and higher levels, you need a better strategy for developing your menus. One important thing to consider is maximizing your earnings.

The Number of Servings

When deciding what to cook, the number of servings a dish creates is an important factor in making the most money. One reason this is important is that you should be trying to make enough food to keep your serving counters full while you are away from the game. If the serving counters don't run out of food, you can continue making good money while you aren't playing.

Another, often overlooked, reason this is important is that you need to have serving counter space available for anything you take off the stove. If you are preparing a new dish, you need an empty counter. If you're preparing more of a dish that is already on a counter, you can just add the new food to the old on the same counter.

What this means is that you need to have an idea of how many servings of each meal you will go through before any new dishes come off the stove. You'll waste a lot of food if you don't think this through and end up with no place to put freshly-cooked meals.

The Cost Per Serving

Along with the number of servings per dish, you need to be aware of the cost per serving. All else being equal, the dish that has a higher cost per serving is going to make you more profits than one with a lower cost.

As you can see, there's a lot that goes into making the most money possible from your menu. You can certainly experiment and come up with your own approach to this, but maybe there's a better way.

With a Cafe World secrets guide, you can benefit from the experience of someone who has already solved problems like this on their way to Cafe World domination. Imagine how impressed your friends will be as they watch your cafe grow far beyond what they could dream of.

Would you like to blow past your friends as your cafe grows like crazy? There's a Cafe World guide that can show you how to earn the most money possible from your menu along with clearing all the other roadblocks preventing you from having a world-class cafe. To learn more, CLICK HERE!

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Cafe World Domination - Planning Cafe World Menus to Earn the Most Coins

I love the fact that Cafe World offers so many menu options. Don't you? From the beginning of the game you have access to some tasty choices. And the closer you get to true Cafe World domination, the more options you unlock. By the time you reach higher levels, you have a bewildering array of options to choose from.

So how do you decide which foods to cook? Many people cook up their personal favorites and hope that the customers like them too. There's nothing wrong with this approach, at least in the early levels.

While that kind of strategy can work early in the game, as you get to higher and higher levels, you need a better strategy for developing your menus. One important thing to consider is maximizing your earnings.

The Number of Servings

When deciding what to cook, the number of servings a dish creates is an important factor in making the most money. One reason this is important is that you should be trying to make enough food to keep your serving counters full while you are away from the game. If the serving counters don't run out of food, you can continue making good money while you aren't playing.

Another, often overlooked, reason this is important is that you need to have serving counter space available for anything you take off the stove. If you are preparing a new dish, you need an empty counter. If you're preparing more of a dish that is already on a counter, you can just add the new food to the old on the same counter.

What this means is that you need to have an idea of how many servings of each meal you will go through before any new dishes come off the stove. You'll waste a lot of food if you don't think this through and end up with no place to put freshly-cooked meals.

The Cost Per Serving

Along with the number of servings per dish, you need to be aware of the cost per serving. All else being equal, the dish that has a higher cost per serving is going to make you more profits than one with a lower cost.

As you can see, there's a lot that goes into making the most money possible from your menu. You can certainly experiment and come up with your own approach to this, but maybe there's a better way.

With a Cafe World secrets guide, you can benefit from the experience of someone who has already solved problems like this on their way to Cafe World domination. Imagine how impressed your friends will be as they watch your cafe grow far beyond what they could dream of.

Would you like to blow past your friends as your cafe grows like crazy? There's a Cafe World guide that can show you how to earn the most money possible from your menu along with clearing all the other roadblocks preventing you from having a world-class cafe. To learn more, visit!

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Cafe World Domination - What Makes Cafe World Customers Happy?

Making your Cafe World customers happy is ultimately your most important objective. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how attractive your cafe is, or how varied the menu, if your customers aren't happy. If customers aren't happy, your cafe is doomed. So how do you know how happy your customers are, and what can you do to make them happier?

It is actually easy to tell how happy your customers are. Cafe World customer satisfaction is shown by your cafe's Buzz Rating (the "thumbs up" number) in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Each time one of your customers comes in to your cafe and is served promptly after they sit down, they will give you a thumbs up as they leave.

Each time a customer gives your cafe a thumbs up, it adds a tenth of a point to your Buzz Rating. Unfortunately, what goes up can come down too. If a customer leaves your cafe unhappy, your Buzz Rating will drop.

If a customer enters your cafe and is not served promptly after they sit down, they can become unhappy and leave. Likewise, if a customer comes into your cafe and finds that there are no available seats, they will become unhappy and leave.

Just as in the real world, the greater the buzz about your cafe, the more customers it will attract. And just as in the real world, if you cafe has a low buzz rating, fewer potential customers will walk through your doors.

To learn more about keeping your customers happy, your Buzz Rating, and other secrets to Cafe World Domination, please Click Here.

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Cafe World Domination - Where Cafe Points Fit Into Cafe World

If you're playing Cafe World, you may well have heard of Cafe Points. Do you know what they are and what they do for you? Don't feel bad if you don't. Until recently, I didn't either.

Cafe Points are what the game uses to keep track of your progress toward the next level. In other words, they're like your score. The game shows you your Cafe Points in the top center of the screen, so you always have a good idea where you stand.

As you gain more points, you gradually move up to higher levels in the game. Higher levels means more options: more food choices and more things you can do to your cafe. Clearly, the more points you earn, and the faster you earn them, the better.

Now you're probably wondering how to get more points right? There are a few ways to do it. The first is simply to prepare food. Each menu item earns you a certain number of points for each stage of its preparation. Cooking a dish gets you some Cafe Points. Serving it gets you some more. Cleaning up afterwards gets you the rest. In general, the longer a dish takes to cook, the more points it earns you once you've prepared it, served it, and cleaned it up afterwards.

There is one other thing you can do to earn points. You can visit the cafes of your neighbors. Helping your neighbors out buy visiting their cafe and trying their daily special earns you points.

Now that you know how to earn Cafe Points, you are one step closer to Cafe World domination! But there are many more tactics and secrets to reaching the top in this wildly popular Facebook game. To learn more CLICK HERE!

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Cafe World Domination Can Be Yours - Become a Cafe World Iron Chef

Are you a Cafe World addict yet? If so, you've probably discovered that there's more to Cafe World domination than it first appears.

I know I did. I've been playing every variety of online game for years. I looked at Cafe World and was sure that I would have no trouble beating it. Well I was wrong. I discovered that while getting started is easy, achieving the domination I expected is hard.

If you don't know what you're doing it doesn't take long to run out of money or customers (or both). Fortunately, this isn't a problem for me anymore. I've learned the top secrets of the best chefs. And I'll tell you how I did it.

I learned that the secret to succeeding at this game is to get your hands on Cafe World Domination, the ultimate guide to the game. In it, you'll learn the secrets of a guy with a level 50 cafe and more than $1,396,127 Cafe coins.

Most players (myself included) never figure out the real secrets to making money in this super popular Facebook game. But once you know them, it's easy to put them to work and start really growing your business.

You'll find that this hot new Cafe secrets guide is more than just a list of tips and tricks. It's full of charts and advice for comparing recipes and planning your expansions. If you learn from the guide and use the tools and charts the author provides, you're almost guaranteed success!

Warning: You can achieve game success without this guide. But if you would like to enjoy running your cafe instead of spending all your time figuring out the nuances of the game, the guide will get you there fast.

Tired of getting nowhere in Cafe World and hearing your friends brag about how much better their cafe is? You can make them eat their words in days! Get started on the road to Cafe World Domination!

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Cafe World Domination Secrets - Why Cafe World Gifts Matter

Have you played social networking games like Cafe World before? If so, you've probably come across the practice of neighbors exchanging free gifts. Normally, this isn't a major part of the game, but in this game they can be one of the secrets of Cafe World domination.

Usually the gifts neighbors exchange are things that you could buy for yourself. They're exchanged for free to build a connection between neighbors. But I discovered that they are much more important in our game. Keep reading if you would like to know why.

In Cafe World the gifts you exchange are different than in other games. In fact, I believe they are more important in this game than in any other social networking game. Cafe World gifts are clearly worth learning more about.

The primary reason gifts are so important in this game is that the gifts you exchange are not things you can normally buy for yourself. These special appetizers, drinks, and cookies can only be gifted to others. And what they do is what makes them so important.

When you serve one of these special gifts to your customers, you get extra coins for each customer that's in your cafe at the time. Understanding this is crucial. How much you benefit from one of these gifts depends almost completely on when you use it.

While this may sound like a big drawback, it can actually be a big benefit. That's because the benefit you gain from these gifts is largely in your control. Use your gifts when they will generate the biggest benefit for you, and you will be taking a big step toward Cafe World domination.

For more advice on gifts and every other angle in Cafe World, visit

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Cafe World Domination Secrets - Why Your Cafe's Layout Matters

One of the most enjoyable aspects of the Facebook game Cafe World is the fact that you can customize your cafe in so many ways. But the way you decorate the place affects more than the aesthetics. How you lay things out will determine whether or not you can make money! Accessible Seating is Crucial

Firstly, you need to arrange the furniture so customers can get to all of the available tables and chairs. If your furniture is arranged in such a way that customers can't reach an open seat, they'll get frustrated and leave.

Similarly, if you don't have enough seating, you'll lose customers. People tend to forget this as they're so busy getting food prepared and served, but efficient cooking and serving is useless if potential customers don't have anywhere to sit.

Give Waiters Easy Access

Customers will only wait so long for their food to be served once they do sit down. That means your waiter or waitress needs to be able to get to all the tables quickly. If there is a long and winding path from the serving counters to some of the tables, you're likely to lose customers from those tables as they get tired of waiting and walk out.

Now here's one of the secrets of cafe layout that experts in this Facebook game use to keeps customers happy and you wealthy. Customers won't stay if there isn't an accessible seat for them, but they don't mind a long walk to that seat. What this means is that you can keep your customers in the cafe longer by giving them a twisty, turn-filled path to the tables. While they're walking to their tables, your wait staff has more time to complete their serving cycles.

To learn more secrets of Cafe World domination, please visit

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